Rare names are constantly and instantly being taken by macros or bots. The chances of getting one by hand are… Close to none, unfortunately! Have you checked NamesLoL and really liked a name that is coming up in the near future?

We can snipe that name for you! The only thing you need to do is join our Discord server and open a new ticket (or contact any of our Staff members) so we can discuss the details, such as the price and payment method. We will take care of the rest!

Once we have successfully sniped the name you’ve chosen, we will get back to you in no time.
After the deal, you’ll be given a fresh Lv. 30+ LoL account with your desired name in it, so you can transfer said name to your main account when you feel like it. Alternatively, you can choose to not transfer the name and keep the account as it is!

Join Our Discord and purchase your name now!